6 research outputs found

    Agricultural Monitoring System using Images through a LPWAN Network

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    Internet of things (IoT) has turned into an opportunity to connect millions of devices through communication networks in digital environments. Inside IoT and mainly in the technologies of communication networks, it is possible to find Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN). Within these technologies, there are service platforms in unlicensed frequency bands such as the LoRa Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN). It has features such as low power consumption, long-distance operation between gateway and node, and low data transport capacity. LPWAN networks are not commonly used to transport high data rates as in the case of agricultural images. The main goal of this research is to present a methodology to transport images through LPWAN networks using LoRa modulation. The methodology presented in this thesis is composed of three stages mainly. The first one is image processing and classification process. This stage allows preparing the image in order to give the information to the classifier and separate the normal and abnormal images; i.e. to classify the images under the normal conditions of its representation in contrast with the images that can represent some sick or affectation with the consequent presence of a particular pathology. For this activity. it was used some techniques were used classifiers such as Support Vector Machine SVM, K-means clustering, neuronal networks, deep learning and convolutional neuronal networks. The last one offered the best results in classifying the samples of the images. The second stage consists in a compression technique and reconstruction algorithms. In this stage, a method is developed to process the image and entails the reduction of the high amount of information that an image has in its normal features with the goal to transport the lowest amount of information. For this purpose, a technique will be presented for the representation of the information of an image in a common base that improves the reduction process of the information. For this activity, the evaluated components were Wavelet, DCT-2D and Kronecker algorithms. The best results were obtained by Wavelet Transform. On the other hand, the compres- sion process entails a series of iterations in the vector information, therefore, each iteration is a possibility to reduce that vector until a value with a minimum PSNR (peak signal to noise ratio) that allows rebuilding the original vector. In the reconstruction process, Iterative Hard Thresholding (IHT), Ortogonal MAtching Pur- suit (OMP), Gradient Projection for Sparse Reconstruction (GPSR)and Step Iterative Shrinage/Thresholding (Twist) algorithms were evaluated. Twist showed the best performance in the results. Finally, in the third stage, LoRa modulation is implemented through the creation of LoRa symbols in Matlab with the compressed information. The symbols were delivered for transmission to Software Defined Radio (SDR). In the receptor, a SDR device receives the signal, which is converted into symbols that are in turn converted in an information vector. Then, the reconstruction process is carried out following the description in the last part of stage 2 - compression technique and reconstruction algorithms, which is described in more detailed in chapter 3, section 3.2. Finally, the image reconstructed is presented. The original image and the result image were compared in order to find the differences. This comparison used Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) feature in order to get the fidelity of the reconstructed image with respect of the original image. In the receptor node, it is possible to observe the pathology of the leaf. The methodology is particularly applied for monitoring abnormal leaves samples in potato crops. This work allows finding a methodology to communicate images through LPWAN using the LoRa modulation technique. In this work, a framework was used to classify the images, then, to process them in order to reduce the amount of data, to establish communication between a transmitter and a receiver through a wireless communication system and finally, in the receptor, to obtain a picture that shows the particularity of the pathology in an agricultural crop.Gobernación de Boyacá, Colfuturo, Colciencias, Universidad Santo Tomás, Pontificia Universidad JaverianaInternet of things (IoT) has turned into an opportunity to connect millions of devices through communication networks in digital environments. Inside IoT and mainly in the technologies of communication networks, it is possible to find Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN). Within these technologies, there are service platforms in unlicensed frequency bands such as the LoRa Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN). It has features such as low power consumption, long-distance operation between gateway and node, and low data transport capacity. LPWAN networks are not commonly used to transport high data rates as in the case of agricultural images. The main goal of this research is to present a methodology to transport images through LPWAN networks using LoRa modulation. The methodology presented in this thesis is composed of three stages mainly. The first one is image processing and classification process. This stage allows preparing the image in order to give the information to the classifier and separate the normal and abnormal images; i.e. to classify the images under the normal conditions of its representation in contrast with the images that can represent some sick or affectation with the consequent presence of a particular pathology. For this activity. it was used some techniques were used classifiers such as Support Vector Machine SVM, K-means clustering, neuronal networks, deep learning and convolutional neuronal networks. The last one offered the best results in classifying the samples of the images. The second stage consists in a compression technique and reconstruction algorithms. In this stage, a method is developed to process the image and entails the reduction of the high amount of information that an image has in its normal features with the goal to transport the lowest amount of information. For this purpose, a technique will be presented for the representation of the information of an image in a common base that improves the reduction process of the information. For this activity, the evaluated components were Wavelet, DCT-2D and Kronecker algorithms. The best results were obtained by Wavelet Transform. On the other hand, the compres- sion process entails a series of iterations in the vector information, therefore, each iteration is a possibility to reduce that vector until a value with a minimum PSNR (peak signal to noise ratio) that allows rebuilding the original vector. In the reconstruction process, Iterative Hard Thresholding (IHT), Ortogonal MAtching Pur- suit (OMP), Gradient Projection for Sparse Reconstruction (GPSR)and Step Iterative Shrinage/Thresholding (Twist) algorithms were evaluated. Twist showed the best performance in the results. Finally, in the third stage, LoRa modulation is implemented through the creation of LoRa symbols in Matlab with the compressed information. The symbols were delivered for transmission to Software Defined Radio (SDR). In the receptor, a SDR device receives the signal, which is converted into symbols that are in turn converted in an information vector. Then, the reconstruction process is carried out following the description in the last part of stage 2 - compression technique and reconstruction algorithms, which is described in more detailed in chapter 3, section 3.2. Finally, the image reconstructed is presented. The original image and the result image were compared in order to find the differences. This comparison used Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) feature in order to get the fidelity of the reconstructed image with respect of the original image. In the receptor node, it is possible to observe the pathology of the leaf. The methodology is particularly applied for monitoring abnormal leaves samples in potato crops. This work allows finding a methodology to communicate images through LPWAN using the LoRa modulation technique. In this work, a framework was used to classify the images, then, to process them in order to reduce the amount of data, to establish communication between a transmitter and a receiver through a wireless communication system and finally, in the receptor, to obtain a picture that shows the particularity of the pathology in an agricultural crop.Doctor en IngenieríaDoctoradohttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-3554-1531https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5_dx9REAAAAJ&hl=eshttps://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/EnRecursoHumano/query.d

    Análisis de la Gestión y Seguridad de las redes WLAN en el Rango de Frecuencias Cercano a la Banda de 2,4GHz

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    Se pretende describir del estudio y análisis del uso del espectro radioeléctrico en la banda de frecuencia concerniente a los 2.4 GHz; banda de frecuencias utilizada en dispositivos de acceso a la red de área local inalámbrica; de igual forma busca parametrizar las variables que puedan incidir en el normal funcionamiento de los servicios soportados por la tecnología Wi-fi, relacionando características de gestión y seguridad de los protocolos de red inmersos en el control de acceso a redes inalámbricas de acceso local. Para esto se ha optado por la utilización de herramientas de software y hardware, que permitan tener una trazabilidad de las características técnicas en el uso de esta tecnología inalámbrica, el presente documento pretende plasmar el estudio y análisis del comportamiento de la red bajo las características técnicas medidas a través de las herramientas tecnológicas descritas anteriormente y la descripción de la metodología empleada para cumplir con los objetivos propuestos

    Security analysis of a WLAN network sample in Tunja, Boyacá, Colombia

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    This paper presents results of a safety analysis of WLAN networks in the city of Tunja, Boyacá Colombia, it is based on a random sample distributed in all over the City. The study is a research result of the project "diagnosis of technology security, applied to a sample of organizations in the city of Tunja". It was funded by the University of Santo Tomas Sectional Tunja. The information collected and analyzed was obtained through the techniques warchalking and Wardriving, in a meaningful representation of wireless networks from public, private, educational institutions and households located geographically in different parts of the city. As a result of the research it was demonstrated different risk levels regarding certain technology configurations of devices of the public, private and residential sectors, finally some conclusions and recommendations were made to enhance the level of security through good practice to configurational level and use of these networks

    Desarrollo de un programa de educación acuática en la escuela indígena de la comunidad seri

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    Antecedentes: Las prácticas acuáticas contribuyen al desarrollo motriz y disminuyen la probabilidad de ahogamientos. Su implementación es particularmente importante en comunidades costeras, dada la relación de sus integrantes con el entorno marino. Objetivos: Por lo que se llevó a cabo una escuela de verano que tuvo como objetivo la adaptación, de la comunidad indígena Seri de Punta Checa, norte de México, al medio acuático en un entorno natural. Método: Las actividades fueron retos motores para desarrollar habilidades y destrezas de supervivencia en el ambiente acuático; estaciones de habilidades de juego grupal; y enseñanza de técnica. Resultados: Participaron 48 niños en total, con un promedio de asistencia de dos días por semana. Ninguno de los participantes sabía nadar antes del programa y todos adquirieron habilidades de supervivencia básicas. Los niños mayores de 8 años desarrollaron habilidades motrices y lograron completar circuitos con estaciones cuyas distintas los obligaban a poner en práctica estas habilidades. Los niños de 6 a 8 años alcanzaron una fase preliminar de desarrollo, puesto que fueron capaces de realizar algunas actividades en lugares poco profundos. Por medio de dibujos, los niños expresaron sus intereses, y la natación estuvo entre sus actividades preferidas. Conclusiones: Los niños, las familias, los docentes y las autoridades educativas consideraron que el programa había tenido resultados positivos, lo cual resalta la importancia de incluir la adaptación al medio acuático en el plan de estudios. Esto, contribuiría a la seguridad acuática y el desarrollo de la competencia motriz de los niños, sino también a una mayor disposición al aprendizaje curricular

    Convergencia de las redes inalámbricas en la salud. "¿nos arrepentimos del despliegue de las redes de telecomunicaciones?"

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    El despliegue de las telecomunicaciones en los ultimos años ha incurcionado en la utilización significativa del espectro eletrómagnetico; la radiación producida por los diferentes equipos que permiten la comunicación ha conllevado al estudio conserniente de las implicaciones que genera la exposición de estas energias en cualquier ser humano, por esta razon el presente documento aglomera las pautas necesariasdescritas por los diversos organismos pertinentes a nivel global focalizando en la protección de la salud en las personas

    Análisis de seguridad de una muestra de redes WLAN en la ciudad de Tunja, Boyacá, Colombia

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    Éste documento presenta resultados de un aná lisis de seguridad de redes WLAN en la ciudad de Tunja Boyacá Colombia basado en un a muestra aleatoria distribuida en toda la Ciudad. El estudio es resultado de investigación del proyecto “Diagnóstico de segurida d informática aplicado a una muestra de organizac iones de la ciudad de Tunja” financiado por la Universidad Santo Tomás Seccional Tunja. La información recolectada y analizada se obtuvo mediante las técnicas Wa rchalking y Wardriving en una representación significativa de redes inalámbricas de empre sas públicas, privadas, entidades educativas y hogares ubicados geográficamente en diferentes sectores de la ciudad. Como re sultado de la investigación se demostró di ferentes niveles de riesgo con respecto a configuraciones de tecnología de algunos dispos itivos de entidades públicas, privadas y sectores residenciales, por último se r ealizaron algunas recomendaciones y conclusiones que mej orarán el nivel de seguridad por medio de buenas prácticas a nivel de configuraci ón y uso de estas redes